What is NLP

brainNLP is about understanding how the language of the mind creates the patterns and programs you run in life. We have programs for everything that we do – and by understanding this you can enhance the programs that are working well, change what isn’t working well and ‘map across’ resourceful patterns to other areas of life and you can use this information to help others too!

Ultimately, with NLP you are learning how your mind works – and in turn other people’s minds. In essence everything we interact with (see, hear, touch, taste, smell, think) creates a chemical reaction which triggers a response. What if you can learn how to purposefully alter those chemicals and therefore your responses? That, is NLP.

This remarkable set of tools is based on the amazing discovery that in changing how you think can change what you think – and in changing how and what you think, you can dramatically transform the results you create in your life.

NLP can assist you to develop and maintain a high level of motivation for achieving your goals, and can help convert barriers and obstacles into doorways to success.  NLP can be used to learn the characteristics of top achievers and to create a blueprint for unlimited success.

NLP is an extraordinary approach to human communication and the development of excellence

Through the simple yet profound techniques that make NLP so powerful, you can eliminate unwanted habits, transform negative emotions into positive feelings, improve the way you see yourself, enhance your self-esteem and become the person you want to be.

Everything you experience is created twice – first in your mind and then in reality. The experiences you create are representative of your internal state, the way you think and the feeling your thoughts generate. When you have the tools to change your internal state, you will find that your external reality will change to match the new internal state. It’s pretty simple, and quite astounding.